
Because dreams exist to be shared

Why do I think Global View Experience is necessary, and why now? Some thoughts.

A few days ago, my eighteen-year-old daughter, told me:

── Dad, I’d like to go work as an aupair somewhere, to learn English. Could you ask those friends of yours around the world… to see if anyone is interested.

So I did. The result was that although those «friends I have around the world» are too old to need au pairs any more, in two hours some proposals emerged from Australia, the Philippines, New Zealand and France. They all offered to do whatever they could to help us.

In the end, we opted for the Philippines because, quite simply, the proposal was irresistible. Two months of new experiences and emotions, discovering the world, meeting very different people, learning a completely different culture, with the support of a person I trusted, and working as a volunteer in an orphanage in Manila. Will she learn English? Yes. And not only that, but many other things…

My daughter Betania could not believe it! She was living a dream. And that dream was going to become true, thanks to the fact that I had also lived my dream 30 years ago and still had strong ties with the people with whom I had shared my teenage journey around the USA.

These are the fundamental bases that make Global View Experience unique. First, knowledge. Second, trust.

There are great pleasures in life. Lots of them! Think of some of the ones that make you feel motivated.
From my point of view, they all have one element in common: knowledge. Learning new things such as flavors, cultures, music, stories, places, sensations…we find it appealing. We always pursue it in one way or another, it makes us grow and feel alive.

That is why Global View Experience is, above all, a learning experience. Designed to go beyond understanding, developing challenges that will allow us to go ahead in our personal growth. And this is the secret of Global View Experience: to live every moment, first with our heart and then with our brain.

All this learning is based on three main pillars. The first one is the places we are going to visit. The second, the people with whom we are going to share the experience, and, of course, the third pillar refers to a look inside ourselves that will help us to more deeply interpret and integrate the sensations and emotions that we will undoubtedly feel with each step.

Trust is an endangered asset that Global View Experience intends to rescue and place where it deserves. The main asset I share with my global family is trust. It is trust what has just made my daughter’s dream come true just by sharing it in our Facebook group and waiting for a couple of hours.

We only needed two hours to make a dream germinate, because the experience we had in the summer of 1991 was so intense, so exceptional, so unrepeatable for those of us who enjoyed it, that we created bonds so solid that not only will last a lifetime, but we will also be able to bequeath them to our future generations.

In a world where fear is winning over reason and becoming a tool of generalized use among institutions, from Global View Experience, we claim confidence in people from all over the planet to fight this growing and limiting fear.

We firmly believe that people in all human societies have the same vital need to achieve happiness and fulfillment. There should be no difference between people, countries or continents. One way to achieve this goal is to share the miracle of knowledge: by learning together. This is how we can prove to ourselves that we can trust each other, because, in the end, we are all pursuing the same objective and that goal is achieved, above all, by walking together.

Years ago I lived my dream, experiencing an international adventure, with kids from all over the world. Since then, I let my dreams drive my life, and I work to help others to live theirs.

Life is short. Let’s not settle for less!!


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