Join our Global Family

Global View aims to be an applied research project to develop new approaches to education, training and learning for the 21st century.

The project is inspired in the experience of one of our founders when being an exchange student in 1990 in USA and with other 400 international students lived the month of their lives on a 16000 km trip around USA. We want to recover this amazing experience for the post-covid society and create and apply new education systems once and for all.

We would love to have you in our team. Please inspire us with your ideas, your knowledge and help us improve the project on the go!




If you feel like a global citizen, you share our philosophy and you have knowledge or skills that you want to contribute to the experience, we will be happy to hear from you.

Also if you reside in a city or country of the tour you can help us to get the best of the place for our globallers.

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    If you believe that the culture of your company is aligned with the objectives and philosophy of GV, get in touch with us and we will study the reciprocal value that your company can contribute and the globallers can generate in a joint activity.

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